Thursday 31 January 2013


Hard currencies are the  minerals ,natural resources ,intelligence the country has.These are the real moneys.We can make trade using these commodities.These are the hearts and mind of a nation.If these hard currencies have been surrender or put in the hands of a foreigner like in Kayelekela mine ,then the country is running without a heart and mind.It is dead.I don't know whether these renowned National economics got the right Phds for their professions. The paper money is just a piece of useless paper printed.It does not have a value.If international trade,we are using a paper money then we are missing the point.Use butter.The dollar is controlled is the west,world bank and IMF are bankrupt.The don't have these resources.Wake up .We have to be masters of our own destiny.Our destiny should not be determined by the dollar but by the resources we have.That way

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