3-SAUL RENAMED APOSTLE PAUL-Earliest Roman Mafia or Stooge (Intelligence gatherer).
5-MOST TRIBES IN THE NEW TESTAMENT TO WHERE PAUL THE APOSTOLE WROTE LETTERS WERE BLACK PEOPLE (The Helens, The Corinthians, The Jews, The Cananites, The Carthaginians, The Egyptians, The Khusites, The Nubians, The Akolossy,The Galatians ,The Cretans etcs).
Where are these Black People in these regions? They were killed by throwing them into fire (Gehena), They were fed to the wild animals like lions. They were killed during survival sports. They were driven out of these regions, some settled in Africa under protection of their fellow black people.} This is Black People Holaucost (Genocide) which has to be remembered. They were hunted down in their catacombs.
6-The true owners of the landof Palestine are Black people.The true owners of Jerusalem are Black People. The true owners of the name Jews or Israelites are black people. Blacks wrote the Bible.Moses,Abraham,King Solomon,King David, Isiah, Eliaja ,Queen Sheba, Jesus ,the Pharohs were all black people. The present white Jews are actually Mongolians, barabaric, imposters converted to Zionism. So the white Zionists and the Arabs are fighting for the land Palestine which is not theirs .It belongs to Black People. Blacks are the only people who can offer the best conflict resolutions in the Middle East and elsewhere because all these tribes muted from black race (Albinos).But we are one people.
NOTE both Black Jesus and Arab Mohammed were fighting liberations wars from the colonial Roman oppressive Empire. But the problem now is that Christianity was hijacked by the Roman Empire defeating Black Jesus All Human race Freedom Mission. Note Jesus was brought up in black cultured race. Therefore, if we understand our black culture we will interpret anything in the world, Bible and Koran .So our black Culture, Tradition, and religions are SUPREM. Jesus was worshiping through his ancestral spirits when he was transfigured on the mountain where he met Moses and Eliajah. Jesus and the Jews were drinking beer as evidenced at Cannah of Galilea. Because the strong beer was finished people had asked Jesus to brew fast cooked wine to help thirsty people because it was late.
Compiled by:Bishop G, Mlalazi
Email: renainssanceafrica@gmail.com.
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